So I've been sick this whole week with a terrible sinus head cold...hence no posts this week. What that also means is that I don't have much of a roundup for you...because sitting on the couch five days in a row isn't conducive for post-worthy stuff. I'm still a little under the weather but I wanted to post something so you guys knew I was alive. So without further ado, here are five things that got me through this week.
I DVR everything so I don't have to watch commercials, so being able to watch full seasons (series) without having to fast forward at all is heaven to me. Not having to worry about having nothing to watch while I'm sitting home all day in a coma on my couch is even better.
Oh sweet sweet chapstick. I used to be a girl who would only wear strawberry flavored chapstick, but I moved on to "better" things. But when I'm sick and become a literal "mouth breather", chapstick saves my poor, dry, chapped lips.
Clinique Dramatically Different Lotion
I got a sample of this lotion one time and while it was a little too much for regular wear, it's perfect for when my nose is all dry and cracked from blowing my nose too much. Just a little on my nose saves me from painful, sore nose rub.
VS Boyfriend Pants
I'm miserable when I'm sick (who isn't?), so much so I hate doing anything beyond getting out from under the covers in my bed to going under blankets on my couch. But, there is something about getting dressed, even if it's my lounge around clothes. I live in my VS boyfriend pants over the weekend, so when I'm sick, I can justify wearing them as a way of "getting dressed" while still being super comfy.
Dave, Nibs, and Squish
Do you really think I'd have a list of life savers and not include my boys? I already talked about how Squish becomes my little "nurse" when I get sick here, and Nibbler is always cuddly. Dave is even more awesome than usual (if that's even possible). He makes dinner, brings me drinks and meds, goes to bed ridiculously early with me so that I can fall asleep on his shoulder (the best way to knock me out), the list goes on and on.
So that's it for this quick list, I'll be back Monday with my reguarly scheduled posts!