Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Best Friends...Forever?

Do best friends forever really exist, or is it an urban legend someone made up a long time ago?

I'm dealing with the fact that a close friendship I had has changed and that change means the end of us being friends. Someone that I met when I became "an adult", someone who I thought would be someone I could "grow old with" in the friendship sense. I thought that since I was a "grown up" now that friendships would be more permanent. 

My issues with "forever" friends started in third grade. That was the beginning of the end for me. My BFF was Whitney. She and I had been friends since first grade and we were super close. I always imagined growing up together and living out the big moments with her. Then one day I went out to recess and Whitney wouldn't talk to me. I don't know why, we didn't fight, we had been laughing and joking earlier. She kept sticking her tongue out at me and making mean faces.

I devastated. My third grade self just couldn't understand. What did I do? I thought we were friends? Still kinda breaks my heart to this day. 

My ex-stepfather, David, was another one. Our story is a bit too complicated and long to include here, but I think he was the best friend I'll mourn the most. Kinda like how Fry's dog sat and waited for him to come back for the rest of his life after he was frozen (if you watch Futurama, you know what I'm talking about, otherwise you can see the part of the episode I'm referencing here...makes me cry every time). 

I went through enough "best" friends that for several years I refused to refer to anyone as my best friend on the off chance that maybe I was cursed and that saying that is what caused the end of the friendship. It wasn't until Dave came along that I was comfortable in knowing that calling him my best friend wasn't going to make him go away (nor was anything else that I did to possibly annoy him). 

So the point of all this is to ponder, does forever really exist when it comes to friendships? I don't mean spouses or siblings, but friends. People who have a choice of whether or not they are going to put up with you. 

I mean obviously its possible, my sister and her best friend have been BFFs since elementary school, but when I look back at their relationship, I feel like they were fated to be forever friends. When we moved, they made it a point to keep in touch, when they went to high school, they found out they were going to the same school...I mean come on, what are the chances of that!?! My family moved A LOT when my sister was young, what are the chances of her best friend moving too and them ending up in the same place? Fate, people, fate. 

Crystal always let me tag along, she was like another big sister.

But I feel like their friendship is an anomaly. It's rare. I feel like there is more of a chance of best friends moving on from each other than growing old together. People change, I know I've changed and the friend I'm losing has changed. When that change happens, maybe the compatibility that once was there, no longer exists, which means forever is damn near impossible. In order to remain forever friends, that would mean that we could never change as people. 

What do you think?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Defining Song Lyrics

I loved this post from Kate at Another Clean Slate so much I decided to "borrow" it from her.

 The concept is that you choose a song lyric that defines you and then what you think the other person would honestly choose. I decided to take it a step further and actually ask said individuals what they would choose. Here are the results:

  • What I thought my friends would choose: There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, We stick together, we can see it through, 'Cause you've got a friend in me – Randy Newman, You've Got a Friend in Me
  • What my friends actually chose: “I've got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away” – Garth Brooks, Friends in Low Places (Just in case you're wondering why, Lauren and I like to belt this one out to each other)

You've Got a Friend in Me by Michael Buble on Grooveshark
Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks on Grooveshark

  • What I’d like Dave to choose: “Cause you are home to me” - Josh Kelley, Home to Me
  • What he actually chose:  "Give me more loving than I've ever had, Make it all better when I'm feeling sad, Tell me I'm special even when I know I'm not– Plain White T's, 1,2,3,4

Home to Me by Josh Kelley on Grooveshark
1, 2, 3, 4 by Plain White T's on Grooveshark

  • What I thought my mom would choose:I hope you never lose your sense of wonder, You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger, May you never take one single breath for granted,” – Lee Ann Womack, I Hope you Dance
  • What I she actually chose:My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,” – Rascal Flatts, My Wish (Kate, my mom choose this one too!!)

How would you describe yourself with song lyrics? How do you think your loved ones would describe you? Or, better yet, how did they describe you?


Friday, October 25, 2013

End of the Week Roundup

First week back from vacation...doesn't it always seem just a little bit of a downer? Especially when said vacation was so awesome? Still, I was able to find five silver linings this week:

1. So Nibbler was pretty mad at me for being gone last week. When we first came home Friday night he was completely ignoring me and when I would go to pick him up he furrowed his brow (if you have cats you know what I'm talking about) and looked at me grumpily. After about an hour or so, all was forgiven and he hasn't left my side since. 

Squish on the other hand was just happy to have someone home so he could chew on some shoelaces, he was loving us the minute we got home. 

2. I was picked to be blog of the week on Northeastern Blogger's website! The only catch is that I realized just how much my "About Me" yeah forgive me for that and that's on the list of things I need to improve!

3. Every time I walk to class I see this paint splatter and I don't know why but I love it. It makes me wonder, did someone do this on purpose or was it some klutzy kid who tripped with some paint? Every time I pass it, I think of a different story for how it got there. Either way, its a small thing that perks me up each time. 

4. I had some tough homework this week in my education class. I was really struggling with it and was near meltdown territory. Dave took the time to sit down and try to figure out what was going on so he could help me, even though he has no knowledge of the course I'm taking. Just another reason why I'm a lucky wife. 

5. I will get Nibbler used to the camera....mark my words. Funny story, Dave and I tested out my theory that Nibbler hates the camera and Squish loves it. I held Nibbler up while Dave pretended to take a picture of him and the minute Nibbler thought the picture was being taken he looked away. Squishee on the other hand, perked up the second he saw the camera come up and didn't look away from it until Dave put it down. That's my boy. 

That's what I got for this week's roundup, how was your week? Linking up with Lauren and Lauren!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Vermont was such a fun, relaxing trip. We got there Monday night and left Friday. In between, we went dog sledding, toured Ben and Jerrys, spent an afternoon at a spa (wow...just wow. It was AMAZING!), enjoyed some incredible meals, went mini golfing, walked the nature trail, and shopped.

Hope you enjoy the pics!

Dave juggling with one hand...because we got distracted while mini-golfing.

I loved the scenery in Vermont. There was something to look upon in awe at everywhere.

This was one of my absolute favorite places to eat. It makes me sad to think I won't be having another meal there anytime soon.
The pinot there was delicious!

This was by far one of the most enjoyable vacations (minus our honeymoon of course!) that Dave and I took. 

That leaves us with 8 states down and 42 to go!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour

While in Vermont, Dave and I stopped at the Ben and Jerry's Factory for a tour....because who wouldn't stop somewhere for good ice cream? 

The tour began with a quick video, then there they took us to a room above the factory floor that showed how they made the ice cream and then (the best part!!) FREE samples! 

The tour was only $4, it was a short tour at only about a half hour, but it was still a ton of fun. 

Afterwards we walked up the hill past the factory to the "Flavor Graveyard".

Here are some of my particular favorites:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dog "Sledding"

Last week Dave and I spent the week up in Stowe, VT. It was such a fun, relaxing trip. If Nibbler and Squishee had been with us, I'm pretty sure I would have never left!

Anyway, one of the adventures we chose to do was dog "sledding" with Peace Pups. Since there was no snow on the ground, we rode in a dog cart instead. It was so much fun, and it was obvious the owner, Ken, really cared for his pups. 

After the ride was over, we got a chance to hang out with the dogs and the puppies. Ken also had a great slideshow that detailed the creation of Peace Pups. 

Stella stole both of our hearts 

Here is a quick video of what it is like on the tour:

Friday, October 18, 2013

End of the Week Roundup

In the words of Dr. Nick (from the Simpsons), Hi Everybody! (if you know who I'm talking about, you probably heard his voice when you read that, didn't you? haha!)

I spent the most of this week in Vermont. In fact, I'm heading home today. It's been an amazing week, but I miss my boys so much. I can't wait to get home to them!

1. Friday night, I met up with my mom and Dave to eat at the taco place that I eat at too much. It was nice having a good meal and a great conversation with my mom and husband.

2. This week Dave and I vacationed in Vermont. I'll detail the trip more next week with some posts, but this week has been awesome. I love vacation. Going out to eat at pretty much every meal is probably my favorite part!

3. The only catch to being on vacation, is missing my babies. I miss my little creatures so much!

4. Picked up this necklace while on vacation. I love the color!

5. Caught Nibbler sleeping like this last Friday morning. He does it all the time but it never gets old. He hears the alarm go off, so he crawls underneath the covers and cuddles with me. Then when it's time for me to really get out of bed, he stays right where I left him. 

That's what I got for the round up this week, how was your week?

Linking up with Lauren and Lauren!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liebster Award!

I was nominated for the second award for my blog, the Liebster Award, by the awesome Sherrie

First I’m supposed to list 11 facts about myself (when looking into this award, I found that the amount varied by post, so I'm listing 7. If you want to see another 7 more, you can check out my post here regarding the Shine On Award):
1. My two favorite books (outside Harry Potter) are A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore and The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers. You want a good replacement for Harry Potter? Check out Walter Moers....amazing.
2. If given the choice, I would happily eat mashed potatoes (no chunks or skins please!) with chicken gravy at every meal. 
3. My very first job was working at my family's gas station. I worked the cash register, handled the full serve customers (where they get you to pump their gas for them), and a ton more. I loved that job, and I would still happily work there to this day if the place was still open.
4. Regardless of the temperature of the room, I HAVE TO be under a blanket when I'm watching TV. Without it, I'll end up getting cold anyway, I guarantee it.
5. Most of my life I've wanted to be a teacher "when I grow up". There were a few times where I deterred from that dream, first when I wanted to be a journalist and then again when I wanted to be a SCUBA instructor in the islands. 
6. The best way for me to fall asleep at night is to have Family Guy or American Dad on. I love those shows and they're like my lullaby at night. Thank God for Adult Swim!
7. I dream of living in a home in the countryside where I'm surrounded by nothing but mountains and land. I imagine playing country songs like "Cowboy Take Me Away" as I walk around my bright, sunny, quiet, humble home. 

Second I need to answer Sherrie’s questions:
1. What do you enjoy reading? A good, well written story. Any good well written stories. 
2. What is your favorite season? Fall and spring
3. Who is the person who makes you laugh? Many people make me laugh, but on a regular basis, it would have to be Dave.
4. Which do you prefer, mountains or ocean? Oooooh tough one, what oceans are we talking about here? Atlantic Ocean near the East Coast? Mountains all the way. Atlantic Ocean right off Turks and Caicos? Sorry mountains, I'm swimming with the fishies.
5. Do you have any pets? Do I even need to answer this one? 
6. What is your favorite meal of the day? Any meal that I can have mashed potatoes
7. Why do you blog? This cannot be answered in a single sentence. I blog to write, to expel my creativity, to connect with other like-minded people, to force myself to live a little, to experience something new.
8. What is your favorite color? Right now? Purple. Next month? Who knows.
9. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Tea all the way, every day. Unless it's with dessert like cake, then coffee with my creamer please!
10. What famous person, living or dead would you like to have lunch with? Anyone who will be okay with some mashed potatoes and chicken gravy.
11. What is your favorite blog? I can't pick just one favorite!! I'll give you the first two that came to mind, but if they're on my bloglovin' roll, they're my favorite. Anyway, it would be The Small Things Blog and The Life of Bon.
Third I have to nominate other bloggers who have less than 300 followers. Have fun and go explore their blogs! (Again, some of the rules say you need to nominate 11 and others as little as 5. But remember, this is a fun way to introduce new blogs, so do what you can!):
Thanks again Sherrie for the love!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mix Tape- Road Trip Edition

Dave and I are on taking a road trip this week to Vermont. It's about an 8 hour drive, so this month's mix tape is inspired by road trip songs!  

For me personally, a good road trip song has to have at least one of the following three components:

1. Sing along ability
2. Air Musical Instrument ability 
3. Comic relief ability (if you can make the song funny, it belongs on your list!)

Hope you enjoy this months mix tape!

Road Trip by Nicole Kadel on Grooveshark

What songs do you like to listen to when you go on a road trip? I'd love some suggestions for the trip!


Friday, October 11, 2013

End of the Week Roundup

Howdy! It's that time again for the EOTWR!

1. This week I was nominated for not one but two blogger awards! You can read my post about the Shine On Award here. I was also nominated for the Liebster Award by Sherrie. I haven't done a post on that one yet, but you can look for it next week. 

2. Remember my obsession with the taco place? Yeah, it's come to fruition. This is the email I sent to my friend Lauren:

3. Saturday night I had most of my siblings up for a game night. We played Cranium and Monopoly. I totally monopolized those punks.

Sorry for the terrible picture.....
4. Saturday was also the day that a local elementary school held their annual book sales. Book sales to me are like Christmas morning. They make me so giddy. I had to put some books back because I had too many. Is that even possible? Having too many books? I think not, but my wallet thought so. 

5. I love my Sunday mornings. I normally wake up before Dave and just relax in bed, reading. Normally this means that the cats climb up on me for some quality cuddle time:
Nibbler and I cuddling, while Squishee lays down my legs
That's the roundup for this week! How was yours?


Linking up with Lauren and Lauren!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

There will be Tears

I mentioned previously that I have a nun for one of my professors. I was initially terrified of having her for a teacher but she's pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong, she's tough, but she's also very funny, in a dry way, which is my favorite kind of funny. She's also kind, like she'll be there for you if you need her, and won't smack your hand with a ruler. Which is my favorite kind of nun.

Yes I totally reused this picture, any attempts at getting a decent picture this week failed. 

Anyway, last class I had with her we were all on a roll and there were some very funny moments that I had to share with you. Here are some excerpts of our conversation:

Student- "So wait, which one is dead?"
Sister- "Um, the one that died."

Student (when discussing the upcoming midterm)- "You just want us to do bad"
Sister- "I don't want you to do bad. I want you to do badly."

Student- "How bad is this test? Like how did other students do before?"
Sister- "There were tears."

Sister (after a rousing conversation about the unfairness of having to pay for parking when we didn't before and right before we talked about the ending to Beowulf)- "The parking permits are such a huge dilemma, I'm sure you all only hoped you could have battled a dragon in a cave of gold instead."

Touche sister, touche. 

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