This past Sunday, I was inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda. It's the honor society for adult students at the university I go to. Becca was also inducted as well, which was pretty awesome to be able to share in this experience with her.
Left to Right: Bob, Becca's fiancee, Becca, Me, Dave
In fact, I was considering not joining the honor society and it was Becs that encouraged me to move forward with it. We got to choose one person who pinned our honor society pin on us, plus three other people who could watch the ceremony. I chose Dave to pin me, of course, and invited my mom, step dad, Brian, and my Aunt Penny to be there with me.We got rope tassels that we will wear with our robes when we graduate, so I have to keep these safe for another year (yikes!).
me and AP (as I affectionately call her)
Aunt Penny, me and Ma
Brian and I
I always end up doing something to mess up a pic, much to my mother's dismay.
Great friends
Walka walka walka
Having the opportunity to be a part of an honor society makes me feel really proud that I've come along as far as I have. As I mentioned before, life hasn't panned out the way I expected it to. And while I would never change it for a second, it hasn't always been easy. Being inducted into this society is my way of proving to myself that although it has been difficult, I'm still strong enough to make it through.
The reason I even got to be a part of anything related to college
In fact, I am pretty sure we all are stronger than we think and it's not until we are tested that we truly learn our strength.
Enough seriousness for now:
I just realized, I'm forever making a butt of myself.