Friday, June 20, 2014

End of the Week Roundup

I totally forgot to write this post up last night...sorry for any grammar errors! 

1. Last Friday, my friend Becca and I grabbed some ice cream from a local farm. It was delicious!

2. Friday night, I drove up to my sister's place and we picked up her dress for her wedding next Tuesday! It's very exciting, I leave for Jamaica on Sunday!

3. Sunday was Father's Day. I have this hilarious picture of my dad passed out on the back patio with his dog passed out in his lap....I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if I posted it so I'm settling for a recycled pic.

4. I picked up the Sam Smith album that was released Tuesday. It's the first album I've ever bought were I knew all the words to the songs before it even came out. The man is amazing!

5. I hate going on vacations and leaving my babies behind....I'm going to miss our morning cuddle sessions like this one while I'm gone.