Friday, August 23, 2013

End of the Week Roundup

School starts back next week for me. It's my last semester before I get my bachelors degree. It's been five years in the making but I'm not looking forward to losing my free time at all (with school starting). 

Summer, where are you going? Why must you run from me? I just started to appreciate you! Why must you leave so soon!?!

Sorry. Lost my marbles there for a moment. I'm back. Here's the roundup for the week:

1. Saturday I had lunch with my mom, my Aunt Steph and my grandmom. It's been a while since I've seen my grandmom so it was nice catching up with her. After lunch Dave and I just drove around the countryside and enjoyed the nice weather. 

2. Saturday night we hung out with our neighbors again. It's really nice to have friends that you can literally walk across the street to hang out with. It also helps that they are awesome.

3. Hanging out with my younger siblings had to be the highlight of my week. Still laughing over our shared stories.

By the way, here is an oldie but a goody...I'm not going to explain what is going on in this picture because honestly we are all a little crazy and who knows what the heck we were doing. 

4. My friend made me two CDs this week but I think my favorite thing about them were the little messages he wrote on the CDs:

Why thank you Jerry, I will enjoy and I did rock on!

5. I love my cats, that's pretty evident isn't it? It helps that they are so awesome. Take for instance this week's picture:

I was trying to take pictures of Squishee, since Nibbler normally is not a fan of having his picture taken, but Thursday apparently Nibs felt that he needed to be front and center:

Notice Squish eyeballing the two of us. I don't think he appreciated his moment being taken away from him.

That's what I got for the roundup, how was your week? 

Linking up with Lauren and Glossy Blonde!