Friday, August 1, 2014

End of the Week Roundup

I can't believe it's August! This week has been really busy. It's just flown by which is nice but also hectic.

1. Friday night, I had dinner with my Aunt Penny and Uncle Chuck again. We went out to dinner and play The Cube Game and their answers had me  in tears. This is a picture of their dog Sadie that I stole from my aunt.

2. Saturday was my sister's wedding reception. She got married in Jamaica in June, but celebrated back home this past week. The reception was such a great time!

3. This week I have been spending all my free time trying to design a logo for my other creative outlet, my quilting "business". For someone with NO graphic design education its really time consuming and stressful, but still enjoyable. Here is the work in progress so far:

4. Speaking of quilting, I started a new project this week, making a t-shirt quilt out of onesies! 

5. Oh my Nibbler, always looking so darn cute. 

How did your week go?