1. Sunday Dave and I went up to his brother's house to celebrate our youngest nephew, Jacob's, 4th birthday. They have a little pond behind the house that is stocked with fish each year. I snapped this sweet moment between Lucas, Jake's brother, and his best friend since his was a baby, Peyton.
2. This week I started back to school for my certification and master's degree. It's a bit bittersweet. Part of me is happy to be back, working towards my dream career, and appreciative of the opportunity to even do this; but another part of me is bummed. I really liked my free time and I'm a bit over school.
3. I finished another baby quilt this week, and I'm currently trying out a new project using scrap T-shirts to make teddy bears. I'm hoping it turns out great!
4. Snapple cap "Real Fact" taught me something new this week:
5. Nibbler loves laying on Dave's stomach. I don't blame him, it's pretty comfy and I think he smells good.
How was your week?