Friday, August 29, 2014

End of the Week Roundup

Dave and I were talking tonight (Thursday night) and we both asked at the same time "Where did the summer go?" It feels like it's flown by just like when we were kids. Anyway, here's the best moments of the week!

1. Sunday Dave and I went up to his brother's  house to celebrate our youngest nephew, Jacob's, 4th birthday. They have a little pond behind the house that is stocked with fish each year. I snapped this sweet moment between Lucas, Jake's brother, and his best friend since his was a baby, Peyton. 

2. This week I started back to school for my certification and master's degree. It's a bit bittersweet. Part of me is happy to be back, working towards my dream career, and appreciative of the opportunity to even do this; but another part of me is bummed. I really liked my free time and I'm a bit over school. 

3. I finished another baby quilt this week, and I'm currently trying out a new project using scrap T-shirts to make teddy bears. I'm hoping it turns out great!

 4. Snapple cap "Real Fact" taught me something new this week:

 5.  Nibbler loves laying on Dave's stomach. I don't blame him, it's pretty comfy and I think he smells good. 

How was your week?