Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Year in Review

Let's not sugar coat it, 2014 was a tough year. But when you look past the rough spots, it was a pretty good year. 

The Good:
My sister got married in Jamaica and I took a ton of pictures

The Bad:

I think I started to really open up more on the blog, sharing things like

I wrote a short story and shared it here: Part 1 Part 2

And sometimes Life smacked me in the face and said "wake up dumb ass!", like

Plus a few other favorite posts, like

I set a goal for myself (besides  my 14 in '14 challenge) on Goodreads to read 35 books which I've surpassed and read 47. I want to set a goal next year for 50 books, but it might be a little high reaching. We'll see. Anyway, here's my top 5 favorite books from the year:

Steph shared a really good quote on her year in review post: "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." This definitely was a year that questioned a lot for me. We shall see what 2015 brings....