I loved creating this list and following through with it. I'm not sure these posts are very popular but I enjoyed it so much, it's something I'll definitely be doing again next year.
Anyway, on to the book for this month:
I'm really on the fence about this book. It's among the currently popular dystopian, young adult, teens-in-peril books, but it's unique that you don't feel like you're reading a Hunger Games knock off.
The problem I had with this book was the fact that it was so hung up on being mysterious and vague that it got annoying. Most of the book consisted of "you want to know what's going on? Sorry! Can't tell you!" It wasn't until the final 75 pages of the 374 page book that the author finally let the readers in on what was going on. Then when I finally got to the answers, it's so convoluted and confusing that I had to re-read it a few times to really grasp what was going on.
The good points: the story line was different enough that I couldn't just assume I knew what was going to happen and that made me want to read it more. Most of the characters were pretty likable, and I didn't find myself really being annoyed by any of the "good" ones.
Let's not talk about the ending, mkay?
Here is the list so far:
14. The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books
I would love to hear about what you read this month!
I'm on Goodreads, if you'd like to add me.