Friday, September 19, 2014

End of the Week Roundup

I had a great weekend, and then a not so great start to the week. I was home the first two days of this week with a bad stomachache...maybe it was too much fun from the weekend?

1. Friday night I had dinner with my Aunt Penny and Uncle Chuck. I snapped this pic of her two dogs waiting for them to get home while I sat outside and read.

2. Saturday night, Dave and I headed back to Wyebrook Farms, this time with my parents and aunt and uncle in tow. It was even better the second time around!

3. Sunday was my Painting with a Twist birthday party! It was such a great time, I recommend everyone try it at least once!

4. Still obsessed with Ed Sheeran by the way. I listen to both his albums nonstop all day at work. Every day. 

5. The boys are starting to get more and more cuddly now that the weather is cooling down. As much as I hate the cold, I love the extra cuddles!

How was your week?